
It’s really important to take care of your health….

Top 5 ways of having a good health is here below…

As we all know and research also proves that the key of having a good health for a life long period is what the researchers called “lifestyle medicine”…..

Making simple changes to your life like in your diet, in your daily routine, in your exercise and little bit of stress help you turn that knowledge into results, we’ve put together this managable list of health and wellness suggestions…

We can have an proper idea about that by three experts-a naturopathic physician, a dietitian, and a personal trainer-to tell us the top five simple but significant lifestyle medicine changes changes they recommend.

Besides giving you three different takes on how to pic your health battles,this list gives you choices to make without being whishked off to a reality show fat farm -or bying a second freezer for those calorie controlled, pre-portioned frozen meals.

There are few ways to achieve a good health…

1.Think positive and focus on gratitude….

Many research have been done on health devlopment and all of that shows that a positive attitude helps build a healthier immune system and boosts overall health. Your body belives what you think, so focus on the positive.

2.Eat your veggies well…

Chose five kind of servings of vegetables a day-raw, steamed, or stir fried. A diet high in vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of developing cancers. And many of the most powerful phytonutrients are the ones with the boldest colours -such as brocoli, cabbage, tomatoes, grapes, and leafy greens.

3.Exercise daily…

We all know daily exercise is very useful in reducing all the health problems and even the upcoming biomarkers of aging. It can help you improving eyesight, normalizing blood pressure, improving cholestrol, and improving bone density. Only ten minutes of exercise can heal your health problems and make a great difference in your health. Dancing is also a type of exercise my personal favourite is can try using hulla hoop too as a form of exercising. One can try trampoline too…

4.Get a proper sleep in night…

Taking a proper good night sleep is important… Having trouble in sleeping then try few techniques like relaxation, meditation, yoga, or eat a small bedtime snack of foods shown to help shift the body and mind into sleep mode:dark your room with dark light… Eat oatmeal before sleep.

Onother way of having great sleep is write down your worries or stressfull thoughts to get them out of your head on a page of your diary. This will help to get rid from all the thoughts that are reason for your worry.


Goals to be done in life…

Life is a never ending race so start it with a smile and end it with no regrets…

All we have a one life…

One life to breathe not to stop breathing…

One life to be ecxited not to sleep…

One life to become what we want to become in life not what others want us to be…

One life to dream big not to imagine small…

One life to be happy not to be sad..

One life to help others not to harm others…

One life to be kind not to be rude…

One life to write a story not to end it so soon…

One life for satisfy yourself in every way…

One life to follow your journey whole night and day…

One life to complete your bucket list before you lost your life…

One life to live your life not to waste it in crimes…

One life to make yourself proud on yourself…

And last but not the least one life to fullfull your goals to be done in life…


The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
